The Right One for the Kind of Job You Do


Effects like soft feel and frosted to protection and barrier resistance. We offer a specialist approach to assisting printers in differentiating and protecting their products.

Adding the ability to enhance and differentiate your products thru subtle coating effects can tip the scales into your brand owners point of view. Whatever your coating needs, Zeller+Gmelin has the solution.

UV Coatings and Varnishes are designed to provide a complete palate of coating products currently available for graphics arts printers. Within this selection, you’ll find unique matte, gloss, shrink sleeve, strike thru and numerous special effects products – all in UV clean chemistry, free of Benzophenone and Prop. 65 carcinogens.

  • Gloss Coatings
  • Low Migration Coatings
  • Shrink Sleeve Coatings
  • Specialty Coatings
  • Primers

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